Getting Serious About Adult Study
Corpus Christi offers study opportunities twice each month during the fall, winter and spring months for any adult who wishes to develop a deeper understanding of God and of the Catholic tradition as it leads to being disciples of Jesus Christ alive in and transforming this world. This is possible in cooperation the Jordan Ministry Team which provides high-quality adult classes throughout the diocese.
December classes, care on the first and thiurd Thursdays. Beginning in January 2013 classes will be offered on the second and fouth Thursday evenings of each month, beginning at 6:30 pm. Each class typically runs two hours (break included).
All classes apply toward earning certification as a Level I catechist within the Diocese of Tucson. All are open to any registered Corpus Christi adult parishioner without a set fee (it is usually $15 per person per class). A free-will offering will be taken. Classes will also be open to individuals from other parishes at regular cost.
Bishop Kicanas has made it a priority to work toward having each teacher of religious education within the diocese, including all volunteers, earn certification through this process. It is a major component of providing quality faith formation for our young people into the future.
The schedule of offerings for the remainder of the 2013-14 school year is currently as follows:
December 5 - Creed part I
December 19 - Creed part II
Jan 9 - Cultural Diversity and Faith Expression
Jan 23 - Catholic Identity
Feb 13 - Liturgy - Celebration and Ritual
Feb 27 - Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism and Confirmation
Mar 13 - Sacraments of Initiation: Eucharist
Mar 27 - Sacraments of Healing: Reconciliation and Anointing
Apr 10 (week before Holy Week) - Sacraments of Christian Vocation
Apr 24 (Easter Week) - Moral Principles & Formation of Conscience
May 8 - Social Mission of the Church
May 22 - Beatitudes
Advance reservation is requested so that adequate course materials can be prepared.