Corpus Christi parishioners responded with generosity to the Outreach Ministry's appeal for Thanksgiving food donations so that volunteers were able to pack up large food boxes for 50 families at this holiday time. In addition to the 50 family-sized boxes, the community provided enough food so that generous contributions could be sent to Casa Maria, the Catholic Worker Community's free kitchen in South Tucson, and to Poverello House, a daytime shelter for homeless men in the central city.
Shown above, among some of the finished family boxes are volunteers Audrey Powell, Terry Sonnleitner, Karen Krejci, Maura Mulligan, Alma Schlor, Theresa Kearney, Anna Elias-Cesnik, Marty Wall, Sharon Fieber, Kevin Krejci, Barbara Bowermaster, and Conrad Wall. To get to that photo, they had to set up the assembly line (at right) to package the generosity of the Christi community. Thank you to all who contributed to making this a better holiday for our neighbors!
Corpus Christi Catholic Church / 300 N Tanque Verde Loop Road / Tucson, AZ 85748 / 520-751-4235