Dec. 8: "You Are Loved" Christmas Meal for Seniors
Members of the Corpus Christi Community are planning to cook and serve a hot holiday meal at a nearby senior living center serving 80 low-income seniors. There are opportunities to serve these men and women by: supplying food (or cash or scrip to purchase food), helping with food preparation, or serving food and visiting with the center residents during the luncheon, which is scheduled for noon, December 8. Please think about making this Christmas season brighter for some of our beautifully dignified elder neighbors. If you wish to volunteer in whatever form, please contact: Dick & Carol Poirier 520-576-2756; Tom & Patty Dobiecki 520-207-2599; or Javier & Sylvia Enriquez 520-290-6793.
Christmas Angel Tree: Gifts for Children & Families
Please stop by the Angel Tree that will be in the narthex of the church during weekend Masses and in the Corpus Christi community center (beginning December 1). There you will find "ornaments" in the form of hoped-for gifts destined for families and children in need this Christmas. The Outreach Committee is working with a number of community agencies to help supply a tangible sign of God's mercy and love from our community to clients who are homeless, near-homeless, or struggling with critical threats in their lives.
Take a look at the Angel Tree and see which of the giving opportunities, represented by the various ornaments, touches your heart. Then take the ornament(s) with you and allow yourself the privilege of responding in a concrete way to one (or as many as you are able) of the needs and hopes of someone struggling this year in our community.
Corpus Christi Catholic Church / 300 N Tanque Verde Loop Road / Tucson, AZ 85748 / 520-751-4235