Free Hot Dogs, Free Hamburgers, Games & Activities for the kids
All this to lure you in to register and get information for this year's children/youth ministry
classes and sacramental preparation.
Religious Education Wednesday Evenings at Corpus Christi
R&R&R (Rest, Relax, Refuel) - 4:00-4:30p.m. Children can enjoy a snack with friends and spend a little time in the garden before going to religion class.
Sacramental Preparation: First Reconciliation – This is for children 2nd grade and older who are registered parishioners and currently attending Corpus Christi's Religious Education program. The sacramental preparation consists of two classes and one retreat. Homework assignments for each class and the retreat require parental involvement. This preparation process begins in November. Please see calendar for exact dates. First Communion - This is for children 2nd grade and up who are registered parishioners and currently attending Corpus Christi's Religious Education program. Preparation consists of two classes and one retreat in the spring. Homework assignments for each class and the retreat require parental involvement.Please see the calendar for exact dates. Weekly Religious Education Classes are held on Wednesdays from 4:30 -5:30pm.If you have any questions or would like to volunteer (see volunteer opportunities below), please contact Suzanne Hensel. Liturgy of the Word for Children (LWC) is held during the 9:45am Mass, September through May. This is for children, from pre-k (age 4) through 5th grade. After the opening prayer, the Celebrant invites the children and catechists to go to their own place of worship for a special Liturgy of the Word. Children return in time rejoin their families for the Liturgy of the Eucharist. There is no LWC on Christmas and New Years Day weekends, Palm Sunday, Easter, 1st Communion Sunday.. Children's Bulletins Children's Bulletins are available in the plaza, after each mass. There is one for 3-6 year olds and one for 7-12 year olds.