Homeless Men, Women, and Children Depend on Casa Maria
Wanna Make Some Soup?
For many years a small group of Corpus Christi parishioners has formed a team to cook, on one day of the week, the free soup offering at Casa Maria Free Kitchen in South Tucson. Each Tuesday morning 2 or 3 volunteers meet at the humble facility and create a simple soup that is given away to a steady stream of hungry men, women and children. Other days of the week volunteers from other parishes or faith communities have been supplying the labor. Casa Maria is open 364 days pre year.
The current pandemic has caused a reduction in available volunteers. The impact has been so great that we've been informed that Corpus Christi is now the only parish supplying volunteers.
This is your invitation to join in the effort to help. It's a remarkable experience to meet the Catholic Worker community and the population of persons they serve.
The work requires volunteers to be on site at Casa Maria from about 6:30 a.m. until the soup service is finished - usually around 10:30 a.m. All the soup is made on-site daily.
If you volunteer you'll be standing up all the while you are there in a small, hot kitchen. You'll have the adventure of preparing the ingredients (cleaning, chopping, sorting, etc), cooking the soup, handing it out to those who come for the simple meal, and cleaning the kitchen for the following day's work.
If you think you might be able to help out, please email your contact information to soupmakers@cccctucson.org . A member of the Outreach ministry will get in touch with you.