Volunteer Process
Effective 1/1/2018
All New Volunteers at Corpus Christi Parish are required to do the following:
Complete a volunteer application form.
Be oriented to the Safe Environment Program by either attending the annual parish educational session or by viewing the current Safe Environment presentation provided on this page.
Receive a Standard Operations Procedure (SOP).
Read the Mandatory Reporting Law.
Sign the Affirmation form after reading the Code of Conduct & Summary Guidelines (valid for 1 year) or attending an educational session. Affirmation form attached above with the powerpoint presentation.
Be oriented to the ministry in which you wish to serve.
Any volunteer who is being considered for a volunteer position of High Responsibility/High Risk must also:
Sign the Permission to Obtain Information allowing a criminal background check to be done.
Submit fingerprints or a valid DPS card for the background check or other agency background documentation (such as law enforcement).
Background checks are required every 5 years. Renewals must be submitted 60 days prior to expiration otherwise fingerprints will be required again.
Credit checks for those handling money are required every 5 years. Renewals must be submitted 60 days prior to expiration.
Positions identified as High Responsibility/High Risk:
Religious Ed Teachers; Youth Ministry Teachers; Sacrament Preparation: Confirmation and First Communion Volunteers; Homebound Eucharistic Ministers; Children’s Liturgy of the Word; Becoming Catholic Ministry; Altar Server trainers; Women’s Retreat Ministry; Vacation Bible School volunteers; Reading Mentors; Money counters; Parish Staff; Eucharistic Ministers Trainers; Marriage Sponsor Couples; Parish Pastoral Council; Finance Committee; Board of Directors