Health and Safety Protocols at Corpus Christi
The most-attended events of our community’s life, our weekend Masses, continue at their regularly scheduled times (4:30p.m. Saturday and 7:45a.m. and 9:45a.m. Sunday) and remain indoors.
Our weekly recorded Mass posted on YouTube will also continue to allow safe access to community prayer.
Weekday Masses have been restored as follows: M-F 8am. Masses are held in the main sanctuary.
Before you plan to come to Mass, please carefully read the information below so that we can all work together for an environment of reduced risk.
If you are feeling ill in any way or are among those classified as vulnerable (persons aged 65 or older or persons of any age whose health is compromised) we urge you to remain at home and not come onto parish property.
Keep in mind that there is an inherent risk to anyone, regardless of age or health, in attending any public event. This includes religious services. While we are committed to do everything reasonable to reduce that risk, there are no risk-free situations. Please understand that your presence at any public event, including Mass, constitutes an acknowledgment that you understand and accept this risk.
Whatever your age or general health, if you are feeling ill in any way please remain at home and do not come onto parish property.
A face mask covering nose and mouth is mandatory during the 7:45 a.m. Sunday Mass. Maintaining a 6-foot separation between household groups is also mandatory at that Mass. Masks and distancing are optional at the 4:30 p.m. Saturday Vigil Mass and the 9:45 a.m. Sunday Mass.
Our seating capacity has been restored at the Vigil Mass and 9:45 Sunday Mass by reopening all pews.
The following reductions in capacity are in effect at the 7:45 a.m. Sunday Mass:
We continue to close off one pew between each occupied pew in the church.
Within pews we ask that there be a minimum of 6 feet left open between household groups at the 7:45 a.m. Sunday Mass.
Please do not use the kneelers at any of the Masses. Sit or stand as appropriate. (This reduces both the number of surfaces potentially contaminated and time needed to clean.)
The chapel seating remains significantly reduced. We ask that it be reserved for use only by parishioners whose physical limitations make it unsafe for them to navigate the sloped flooring of the main sanctuary and families with infants and toddlers.
Parish staff and volunteers will be cleaning the church, including pews and restrooms, between Masses.
Funerals and weddings will follow the same protocols as Sunday Masses. Maximum atttendance is limited to 25 persons for these liturgies. These are occasions where it is easy to forget distancing and other protocols before and after liturgies. All who attend are urged to follow safety protocols at all times.
Baptisms will be celebrated outside the Sunday Mass times and attendance is limited to 10 persons.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is available by appointment and will be conducted outdoors.
Because of the limited seating capacity and honoring those for whom attendance would endanger their health, we will continue to post a recording of the Mass on the parish website each weekend.
The main doors (west-facing) of the church will remain the only way to enter the church. All doors will be available to leave the church.
Use of kneelers remains suspended.
Communion will be distributed at its normal time during the liturgy by Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist. They will be wearing masks at the 7:45 a.m. Mass; at all Masses they will wash and sanitize their hands immediately prior to distributing the host.
The communion procession has been reinstated at the Saturday Vigil Mass and the 9:45 Sunday morning Mass.
There will be no communion procession at the 7:45 Sunday Mass. Eucharist will be distributed in pews by ministers.
Only the host will be distributed, the cup will not. This applies at all Masses.
Communion will be distributed only in the hand; again, this applies at all Masses. Place one hand on top of the other forming a small cup so that the Host may be gently dropped into your cupped hand to avoid hand-to-hand contact.
The collection baskets will not be passed from hand-to-hand as has been our custom. Boxes are available at the entrance of the church for your offertory gift. You can leave your offering in the boxes either entering or exiting the church.
Other ways to support the parish: Online giving is always available, and many parishioners have found that it is the most convenient way to support our community. Please use our website,, for the online giving and paypal link. In addition, mailing in contributions is available as well as physically dropping off contributions during the week, using the box outside the parish office.
Altar servers, whose parents choose to allow them to serve, will be limited to one per Mass, unless servers are from the same household.
Gathering in the community center for refreshments after Mass will not be available.
Parish staff and volunteers will be cleaning the church, including pews and restrooms, between Masses.
Parish meetings are to be held through an appropriate online platform.